
«Ensuring the right to accessible environment for people with special needs»

Implementation of the project started in July 2013 and will last until July 2014.
Aim of the project: providing an opportunity for independent social life for people with disabilities through creating accessible environment.
Project tasks include:

  • involving civil society organizations in protecting the rights of people with disabilities for  architectural accessibility;
  • creating an accessible environment, necessary for a disabled person in everyday life;
  • raising awareness of Kiev community on problems of accessibility of the environment.

The project duration is 1 year.
According to the project, we appeal to the state institutions, public organizations, representatives of socially responsible companies, volunteers to work together in the project.
Donor: World Jewish Relief

Organizing leisure for the former prisoners of concentration camps, prisoners and victims of the nazi regime

The project implementation started in September 2012 and will last until 2014.
Aim of the project: improving the life conditions of target group representatives by creating conditions for communication, visiting famous places, organizing mutual help groups.

Project tasks:

  1. To create conditions for communication of war veterans and victims of the occupation regime.
  2. To raise awareness of war veterans, victims of the occupation regime in their rights and opportunities.
  3. To help the war veterans and victims of the occupation regime to visit famous places.

Within implementation of this project, 70 elderly people with disability, war veterans and victims of totalitarian repression and occupation regime (among which 40 people are handicapped; 30 people – immobile) will have the opportunity to unveil their potential, increase awareness about their rights, develop mutual help and mutual support to each other.
Donor – Fund «Memory. Responsibility. Future»

«Organizing the recreational environment for the elderly people»

The project was launched in July 2010 and lasted for 1 year.

Aim of the project: to increase the level of socialization of the elderly people with special needs, war veterans and victims of the totalitarian regime through their involvement in active public position, realizing their potential.

  • creating conditions for realizing the potential of the elderly people, people with handicaps, war veterans, victims of totalitarian repressions;
  • raising awareness among elderly people, people with handicaps, war veterans, victims of totalitarian repressions about their rights and opportunities;
  • developing mutual assistance and cooperation among elderly people, people with handicaps, war veterans, victims of totalitarian repressions;

Within implementation of this project, 70 elderly people, people with handicaps, war veterans, the victims of totalitarian repressions (of which 50 – disabled people; 20 people bedridden) will have the opportunity to unveil their potential, increase awareness about their rights, develop mutual help and mutual support to each other.
Donor – Fund «Memory. Responsibility. Future»

 «Right to independent life for people with disabilities. The positive experience»

The project implementation was held from September 2010 to September 2011.
Aim of the project: unificating successful experience of public organizations for the rights of people with disabilities for independent life. Spreading knowledge about the article 19 of the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities.
Within this project, the best practices in working with people with disabilities have been  published to ensure the right to independent living, a training module for NGOs working with people with disabilities has been developed, 20 people with disabilities have been trained for independent life in society; 25 leaders of public organizations of people with special needs have attended training on asserting the rights to an independent life.
Donor – Disability rights fund

“School of Independent Life”

Since September 2005 and is going on.

Aimed at teaching Disabled youth to arrange their life on their own, to minimize dependency on other people in making decisions and everyday life.

Participants will learn:

  • to control their own affairs;
  • to independently participate in the daily life of society;
  • to perform different social roles.

During the period of Project implementation 6 workshops-trainings “School of Independent Life” have been conducted, over 120 disabled young people participated. As a result 70 of them entered various institutions of higher learning, 45 got a job and 9 created families.

“World without Limitations”

Since January 2008 and is going on.

Aimed at integrating young disabled people in society, creating a positive image of a person with special needs.

During the period of Project implementation:

  • 750 members of the Union had the opportunity to visit theaters and 360 – cinemas;
  • There were held 6 meetings for young people, which covered 450 young people with disabilities in Kyiv;
  • 6 members of the Union attend English courses;
  • 200 people could attend concerts, entertainment, festivals on concessional terms;
  • 36 young people had an opportunity to visit the international rehabilitation camp for people with disabilities “Euro Contact” (Germany);
  • 9 young people had an opportunity to visit international youth camp for people with special needs under the auspices of the international charitable organization «Lions Clubs International» (Norway);
  • 6 young people visited the international youth camp for people with special needs under the auspices of the international charitable organization «Lions Clubs International» (Italy).

“Access of people with disabilities to computer and information technology”

Since January 2006 and is going on.

Aimed at creating access to the information environment and computer technology for people with disabilities. The project has reached agreements with the providers in Kyiv to supply free Internet to project members. It resulted in expanded communication possibilities for such persons, barriers to learning disappeared, and prospects for employment opened up.

During the period of the project over 150 people with disabilities were connected to Internet on free or concessional basis.

“Barrier Free Environment”

Since 2007 and is going on.

Aimed at creating barrier free environment for the disabled. It resulted in many appeals to local authorities and government, which led to improvements of unhindered access of people with disabilities to public places and residential purpose.

Within this project the monitoring of accessibility in social places of Kyiv is conducted, and social hearings as to abidance to the project are held. The representatives of the Union took part in the public monitoring “Rights of the disabled in Ukraine in 2008-2009”

«People with disabilities have the right to independent life. Positive experience.»

Project implementation from September 2010 to September 2011.

Project aim: consolidation of the successful experience of public organizations on securing rights of people with disabilities for independent living, spreading of knowledge about Article 19 of the UN Convention on the rights of people with disabilities.
Within this project the best practical experiences on work with people with disabilities to secure the right to independent living were published; a training module for non-governmental organizations working with people with disabilities was developed; 20 people with disabilities were trained in independent living in the community; 25 leaders of public organizations for people with disabilities were trained on asserting rights to independent living.

Donor – Disability rights fund

«The organization of recreational areas for elderly people»

Project implementation started in September and will continue for a year

Project aim: to enhance the level of socialization of elderly people with disabilities, war veterans and victims of the totalitarian regime through their involvement into active social position, disclosure of their potential; to create conditions to disclose the potential of elderly people with disabilities, war veterans and victims of the totalitarian regime; to raise awareness among elderly people with disabilities, war veterans and victims of totalitarian repression on their rights and opportunities; To develop mutual assistance and interaction between elderly people with disabilities, war veterans and victims of the totalitarian regime.
Within this project, 70 elderly people with disabilities, war veterans and victims of totalitarian repression (of which 50 – limited mobility people, 20 – bedridden people) will be able to discover their own potential, to raise awareness about their rights, develop mutual assistance and mutual support to each other.

Donor – Fund “Memory. Responsibility. Future.”